by Dr. Bob Evans | Jun 6, 2014 | Parent Alienation, Parental Alienation Syndrome, Parenting Coordination
Continuing with our discussion on the varying levels of Parental Alienation (PA), this week we look at Mild Cases of PA. All of the symptoms from the Campaign of Denigration to the Spread of the Animosity to the Extended Family and the Friends of the alienated parent...
by Dr. Bob Evans | May 30, 2014 | Parent Alienation, Parental Alienation Case, Parental Alienation Syndrome
Think of the symptoms of Parental Alienation (PA) distributed as a Skewed distribution on a graphed “S” curve. The Moderate level intersects the curve in the center dividing the two other levels, with Mild to the left and Severe to the right. Think of the Y Axis as...
by Dr. Bob Evans | May 23, 2014 | Parent Alienation, Parental Alienation Syndrome
We have saved the least controversy for the last. Having said that, there are other issues surrounding Parental Alienation but it is not the intent of this blog series to be exhaustive of all them. This one, however, is interesting because it is frequently raised by...
by Dr. Bob Evans | May 16, 2014 | Child Custody Cases, Parent Alienation, Parental Alienation Case, Parental Alienation Syndrome
How Can One Prepare for & Present Issues of a Parental Alienation Case? There are five key components to defeating a parental alienation case: 1. Understanding how tremendously harmful the circumstance can get with parental alienation and how quickly it can...
by Dr. Bob Evans | May 9, 2014 | Child Custody Cases, Parent Alienation, Parenting Coordination
The Definition and Symptoms of Parental Alienation Consider the old expression “to poison someone’s well.” Parental alienation is a course of conduct in which one parent uses denigration and various degrees of criticism to alienate a child from the...