by Dr. Bob Evans | Oct 18, 2021 | Child Custody Cases, Family Law Cases and PA, Parent Alienation, Parental Alienation Case, Parental Alienation Syndrome, Parenting Coordination, Podcast, Symptoms of PA
We are proud to present our new Parental Alienation: From Couch to the Courtroom and Beyond podcast to you. This podcast will take a deep dive into the phenomenon of Parental Alienation. The literature and research will be presented and show how this form of abuse is...
by Dr. Bob Evans | Nov 6, 2019 | Children and Divorce, Parent Alienation, Parental Alienation Case, Symptoms of PA
Florida, as virtually every state, has a law that pertains to abuse of children. In Florida, it is referred to as Chapter 39 Proceedings Relating to Children. Within Chapter 39 is section 39.01(2) which provides the definition of Abuse and it includes, among other...
by Dr. Bob Evans | Apr 14, 2016 | Child Custody Cases, Family Law Cases and PA, Parent Alienation
The Rucki family of Minnesota has been in a hot topic in Parental Alienation news recently and is, unfortunately, a real-life case study of how a bitter divorce dispute can transform into a child custody and parental alienation case, with great impact to the children....
by Dr. Bob Evans | Jun 19, 2015 | Child Custody Evaluations, Children and Divorce, Parent Alienation, Parent Sharing Plans
This is a continuation of a series of two articles on distinguishing the difference between transition difficulties vs alienation with children during divorce. If the signs of transition difficulty are present but the child is not acting angrily, coldly, verbally...
by Dr. Bob Evans | Jun 17, 2015 | Child Custody Cases, Child Custody Consultations, Parent Alienation
Much of the following is from Karen Woodall, I’ve added some of my own thoughts here and there, but I thought this was an important article. She is a specialist in working with families affected by Parental Alienation in York, GB. One of her interesting posts...
by Dr. Bob Evans | Feb 27, 2015 | Child Custody Evaluations, Family Law Cases and PA, Hiring an Expert Series, Parent Alienation
Is hiring an expert to educate the court in cases involving parental alienation worth it? (Part 5) Sometimes rejected (alienated) parents and their attorneys consider hiring an expert to help in their cases. Experts can take a variety of roles and one of these is that...